Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. One thing that comes to mind when I hear the word is Santa. Who is Santa? Santa is a big, round, and plump man that gives out presents every year. Who does he give them to only the best children. (See your either naughty or nice.) I think I'm pretty nice you see because every year I get presents!!!

This is the story boys and girls hear every year all around the world... I found out that Santa wasn't real. This devastated me dearly. Santa was my best friend, or at least that is what I thought. So you mean to tell me all this time I was writing letters to no one. Hmm... That's probably why I never got exactly what I wanted!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HInk Pink

1.a fish dish
2.swift lift
3.deer beer cot eagle
6.whale jail
7.newt boot
8.fake snake
9.sad lad
10.big twig
11.bare man
12.crying father

Friday, November 7, 2008

Free Friday

Today is the last football game before Playoffs. I think that our team is good since we pretty much lost a lot of good players. Today we play Tulia, which I'm pretty sure we will win. I have a lot of faith in our guys, and am hoping we make it far this year. If we work as a team today I'm pretty sure we will SMASH!!! After, we win this game tonight, we will be ready to win the Playoff game!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I don't think they are making a big deal by banning Halloween costumes, but it isn't fair for the whole school to suffer over one person's wrong doing. I think that if it would help only he should get that privledge taken away. He would get punished for what he did and plus it would only be one year he was a senior anyways. He would know how it would have felt if the whole school didn't get to participate in dressing up. He would learn a lesson and it would teach the children what would happen if they took advantage of this holiday.

Monday, October 27, 2008


If I were invisible I would scare people to make them think that they were going insane. They would think they were hearing voices. I would go everywhere that I go when I am visible just to see if it would be different when I'm invisible. I would eat food just to see if it would be visible like on Casper, or just go straight through you. You could go home without your parents knowing you were there, and take a nap if you want to without having them bothering you about cleaning. The disadvantage would be forgetting you were invisible. Another, disadvantage would be that you could still feel pain.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


One of my memories is a football memory. Imagine being in the stands with your hometown fighting Bobcats there, one of the last games before going to state. Here we are playing one of the best teams, just hoping to win so that we will know that our boys are number one. The game is intense, fans cheering so loud you can't even think straight. At the end of the game your so excited that your boys fought so hard, but then you look up at the scoreboard to see that they came up short in the end. Of course your still proud to be a Bobcat....Just remember. EVERYDAY IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A BOBCAT!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I think that not having bonfire this year is kind of hard on the seniors because it has been tradition and it's something you look forward to when you become a senior. To do away with it might be a good idea though, think about it, it's not always rainy up here it could start a fire and burn down the whole entire town!! I really think that the parade is a great alternative. You get students and friends together just by building a float. Not to mention it is sort of fun, trying to beat the upper classmen at designing a great parade float!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I wish...

I wish there were a law that said when people had too much money. The reason I wish there was a law that said this is because there are so many homeless and poor people. If we could just give them a little bit of money I'm sure it would help. If people could be limited with money they would know how to use it and spend it on reasonable things. They would buy necessary things and not just things that are great to look at.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Journal 9-29

I think that some people want to fit into certain places like being popular and hanging out with that type. I mostly hang out with everyone and don't really care how people perceive me. If I didn't fit in anywhere I think it would get pretty lonely, and I think that everybody needs somebody. I don't really think you can call what we have cliques because everyone hangs out with everyone here. Even if it's just a simple "hello" or "how are you"? we all speak to each other.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Future Journal

In ten years I want to be a pediatrician or somewhere close to getting there. I don’t think I will have a family until I am finished with school, just so I can focus on my work. If I can finish school before then though, I would probably open my own hospital, of course I will be working for myself that is. After, I am financially stable that is when I will have my children.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

On the day of September 11th I was in the third grade in Mrs. McKee's room. The attack happened that morning and you could just see the expression on the teacher's faces, as they were walking in and out of each others rooms. You could just tell that something was wrong by their actions. I think I was probably scared when I first had found out what happened, actually I think the students and teachers both had fear. The teachers didn't say very much they just looked wide eyed and wondered what would happen to this country next. To commemorate the people who died I would build statues in their memory to show that their country did care about them and they will never be forgotten, even seven years later they are not forgotten. I think that our country will never be safe from terrorism because I think that people will always try and bring us down but "UNITED WE STAND AND DIVIDED WE WILL FALL."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


If i could change one thing in my life it would be that I would have more younger brothers and sisters so that I wouldn't be an only child. Well, i'm not an only child technically but my older brother and sister aren't at home anymore. I want more brothers and sisters that way it won't be lonely when I get home, though it would just work a whole lot better if my mom would just get me a DOG!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

I live in a small town in Texas and we are all about football! BOBCAT PRIDE!!! Every Friday the whole town is always either at the stadium or on their way to the out of town games. Football to this town is like oxygen to humans. We love and support our teams whether winning or losing. We also support our girls you can't leave them out and what can I say they are pretty  good at volleyball too.