Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

On the day of September 11th I was in the third grade in Mrs. McKee's room. The attack happened that morning and you could just see the expression on the teacher's faces, as they were walking in and out of each others rooms. You could just tell that something was wrong by their actions. I think I was probably scared when I first had found out what happened, actually I think the students and teachers both had fear. The teachers didn't say very much they just looked wide eyed and wondered what would happen to this country next. To commemorate the people who died I would build statues in their memory to show that their country did care about them and they will never be forgotten, even seven years later they are not forgotten. I think that our country will never be safe from terrorism because I think that people will always try and bring us down but "UNITED WE STAND AND DIVIDED WE WILL FALL."

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