Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a Dog's World!!

Hi, I'm Kibbles and today is my second birthday. I've really been here 14 years, see you multiply by seven in dog years. Today my mom and dad went to the store and demanded me not to mess up the house while they were gone. When they said "store" I just knew they had to be getting me some extraordinary presents. How did I know this? Well of course, I knew this because it's MY BIRTHDAY!!!

When they left I knew I was going to do the complete opposite. JEEZ!!! I can get away with anything today. They would be too ashamed to scold me or even spank me. Why, I just went into the restroom and grabbed the toilet paper. MY FAVORITE!! Every single time they leave that's the first thing I go for. It's just so soft and really lots of fun to play with.

When mom and dad got home I could see that expression in there face like they just wanted to put me outside. You know thinking I would learn my LESSON. (They think I'm really stubborn, but I'm not.) I'm just a young playful kid. They looked at me and said "Today's your birthday, so I let this one slide."

Well, they started preparing for my PARTY!! All my friends came too, and they all even brought me my favorite treats and chew toys. I have never been so happy in my life!! I think they all had a great time. There was even a course set in the backyard for us, just to run off the few extra pounds we gained from our feast.

Night came and It was time for everyone to go home. After, everyone left mom and dad put me to sleep in my new cozy bed, said there good nights, and gave me kisses. I just reviewed the day and thought how wonderful it was. I lay there in a daze and feel asleep with joy and happiness in my heart.

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